
SW MidYear Update


This is the first installment of regular reporting on some of the metrics we track as a company. As we continue to navigate the new challenges brought by COVID-19, our company has continued to operate effectively – staying focused on executing our strategy and serving our clients during these unprecedented times. During the first two quarters of the year, our brokerage, property management and investment teams experienced growth throughout one of the most turbulent times in recent history. Our team of dedicated professionals has shown determination and resilience as we work together to serve our clients and tenants.

We added a new member to our team in Q2 and are currently looking to hire another. Collectively we have nearly 500 years of combined experience to help serve you!

Our brokerage team currently has nearly 135 listings and has completed 97 transactions YTD. We have dedicated retail, office and industrial brokers to assist you with your needs!

Our property management department has grown to nearly 3.4mm SF and has collected approximately 99% of billed rents even with the challenges presented by COVID. SW “thinks like and owner” and is committed to providing excellent property management services. Contact Jeff Chopin to discuss how we can assist you further. 

Our portfolio has grown to nearly $270mm and we were able to add two new properties since the onset of COVID-19.  We have maintained high occupancy and collections which is a testament to the quality of our tenants, assets and management. We are actively looking for more neighborhood shopping centers across the country.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you are looking for a team to assist you with your management, brokerage or investment needs!